
Veil of the Void: A Sci-fi Fantasy TTRPG

Created by Veil of the Void and SDG Interactive Publishers

This is the pre-order store to order copies of Veil of the Void, our custom built D6 system designed with a focus on narrative play, storytelling, and home-brewing! With every copy of the Hardback you also receive the PDF copy.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

The Bookmarks are Available
almost 5 years ago – Sun, May 26, 2019 at 02:52:59 AM

Hello everyone! 

It's the weekend and I just finished up everything needed to complete the Bookmark PDFs! They were just sent out so be on the look out for the email! Each bookmark has the class art, class name, and class story on them. These will make a fantastic edition for any hard copy, any standard book, or even to use as tokens on the battlefield! 

I am excited to get these sent out and hope you enjoy them! I printed the test ones out myself and I can confirm they look great in the book and give quick access to each class page. Have fun reading the incredible stories written for each class by my co-author Noble Grant and have a fantastic rest of your weekend!


Next Update!
almost 5 years ago – Thu, May 23, 2019 at 11:28:25 AM

Good morning/afternoon/evening everyone!

So, update! This weekend we will release the PDF of the Class Stories bookmarks. I really like the look and design of these bookmarks and they will make a fantastic addition to the physical copy, any other book, or even to print out to use for tokens! Super excited to get this versatile reward to you so make sure to check your email this weekend, and if you haven't completed your backer-kit survey yet make sure to get that filled! 

Also have some incredible artwork for the Exiled race, particularly an Exiled Reaper! 

The Exiled, in case you need a small refresher, are the "undead" race; memories of those who have died previously. Each one has an ethereal glow, signs of their touch of the Realm of Ether. A great way to bring back a character that died prematurely or for a character from another setting, time, or rule-set!

Have a great weekend my friends!


Adversaries and PDFs
almost 5 years ago – Mon, May 20, 2019 at 04:50:32 PM

Happy Monday everyone! 

So next update here: 

The editing is coming along on time so far which is fantastic! I have a very talented editor/co-author who has helped fix and improve a lot of the writing and lore. I owe a lot to her and I'm very thankful for her assistance. 

We have slightly over 2 months remaining until the release of Veil of the Void! The time is going so fast and I cannot wait to see what stories you will make with these rules. So far we seem to be right on track for release. 

I'm finishing up work on the PDFs for the bookmarks of the classes as well as the random printable artwork for the classes. Those PDFs should be sent out soon so within a week or so be on the look out for those! The PDF for the Artwork of the Veil is still in progress since I decided to add some additional artwork to fill out the book and Adversary section, but you will receive that PDF once the artwork is complete. 

Speaking of adversaries, I just finished up all of the adversaries this weekend! Now all that's left for them is editing and some slight balance checks as well as some art for an adversary of each faction. There are currently ~20 pages of adversaries so GMs will have a ton of unique creatures and mechs to throw at players while players will have a bunch to control and summon themselves.

The PDFs for the books will be sent out slightly before we ship the physical copies out. This will allow you to create a character and start developing your own universe before you even have the physical copies (if you ordered one). Excited to see what everyone makes!

After release I also have some fun mini-expansions that will be on the way! I look forward to giving everyone a ton of lore to spark your ideas.

That's all for this update and I will send out more information as it happens. 

Have a great Monday my friends.


The Dal'Kindrith Art
almost 5 years ago – Tue, May 14, 2019 at 07:23:57 PM

Hello everyone! Thought I would post a look into the art for the Dal'Kindrith. The frozen vampires of Everchange have finally be made a reality! Enjoy.

Off to Editing!
almost 5 years ago – Mon, May 13, 2019 at 10:22:34 AM

Happy Monday everyone!

So the book is now fully written and has been sent off to editing! We are one step closer to the release and everything seems to be going to plan so far. The surveys are almost complete and once complete my editor Noble Grant and myself will make the thank you video :D 

I also have all the PDFs from levels $1-10 coming along so soon you will have some printable bookmarks and the class stories PDF booklet! Once the artwork is fully completed I will also post the PDF for the artwork book. All of these will be sent to your email through the survey system so make sure you have your updated email on there. Super excited to get these out there for you! 

The art is about 75% complete. We have a few more pictures to purchase to fill in what blank spots exist throughout the book. I also plan on getting as much art to fill Filidais's section. The book will have quite a bit of art to help encourage and spark your ideas as well as give an overarching view of our setting!

I am so glad to have you all on this journey with me and cannot wait to fulfill the orders as timely as possible!

Also, for those who do not follow us on our twitter (link  here ) here is a look at the two artwork pieces we released, the Celestia and the Shadow Reaper. 

Have a fantastic rest of your Monday!


Shadow Reaper
Shadow Reaper