
Veil of the Void: A Sci-fi Fantasy TTRPG

Created by Veil of the Void and SDG Interactive Publishers

This is the pre-order store to order copies of Veil of the Void, our custom built D6 system designed with a focus on narrative play, storytelling, and home-brewing! With every copy of the Hardback you also receive the PDF copy.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

The 3rd Stretch Goal Unlocked!
about 5 years ago – Thu, May 02, 2019 at 03:41:34 PM

Dal'Kindrith Stretch Goal!

We hit over $8,000 with the help of the surveys and pre-order store! This means that the Dal'Kindrith PDF copy has been unlocked and added to the surveys! Looks like the space vampires will once again walk this Realm and bring the consequences with them. 

Backerkit Update:

The surveys are coming along great, already at 81% completion. Once we get closer to 92-100% completion we can start working on the thank you video. If you have not received your email please let me know by messaging me on Kickstarter or by sending an email to: 

[email protected]

Book Update:

The book is being sent off to our editors starting this Friday! It is one step closer to completion and once the book is edited all that's left is formatting and printing. Everything is going wonderfully so far and I am excited to get the book to all our backers/pre-orders. 

Have a fantastic weekend filled with stories!


Backer-kit Survey Issues
about 5 years ago – Sat, Apr 27, 2019 at 10:31:02 PM

Hello everyone!

So I have received some feedback stating that the backer-kit surveys have been sent to the Spam/Trash folder of their emails. If you have not received your backer-kit survey make sure it is not within the Spam/Trash folder. If it is still not located anywhere within your email please send an update to my email below and I will resend the backer-kit survey.

Email: [email protected]

Our surveys are at 71% completion so far! Thank you everyone for filling it out, I am looking forward to sending the first wave of rewards :D!



Backerkit Surveys Sent!
about 5 years ago – Thu, Apr 25, 2019 at 05:42:32 PM

The Backerkit surveys have been sent and you should have received them in your email! This is a big step towards completion and once the surveys are completed I will be able to start shipping out the PDFs for the first few levels. 

As a reminder you can also increase your pledge level at the start of the survey or add any additional book or PDF copies to your order as well. The pre-order shop is operational as well for those that missed the Kickstarter. 

Shipping: Once the PDF is completed and the books are sent to printing everyone that backed from $20+ will receive their copy of the Veil of the Void Core Rulebook PDF. This PDF will be released roughly 2 weeks before the books are shipped so you will be able to start creating characters and building your own universe before you get the physical copies!

Update on the book status:

So last night I finished adding all the information on Starships as well as the rest of the community created content! The art is also coming along quite well, all 9 classes are now complete and we are moving on to the race art! As a sneak preview below is a copy of the Protatype race art, not 100% completed yet but it is looking fantastic so far!

Backerskit Update
about 5 years ago – Tue, Apr 23, 2019 at 02:54:32 PM

There has been a bit of a delay on the Backer-kit Surveys as their was a small issue that has now been resolved. The test surveys will be sent out soon which means that everyone else will be receiving their Surveys soon as well. 

Now these surveys for those that don't know will ask for specific information based on what level you bought in at. They have 1-3 questions and then will ask for your shipping information if you bought a physical copy. It will also give you a chance to increase your pledge to a physical copy or to add additional copies. 

Through Backer-kit there will also be digital downloads available once the work is completed. So this is where PDF's will be available. So keep an eye on that

As an update on the book:

The book is at 92% written completion. Within the next 2 weeks I expect the book to be finished writing and then sent off to my wonderful editors to edit and proof read the remaining book that needs editing. Then once it is completed I will do a final edit and then send it off to printing once I am happy with all the formatting and editing. Currently we are on track for our July release and are super excited for that release!

Also if you know anyone that is wanting to purchase the PDF or Hardback and missed the Kickstarter you can link them to the backer-kit pre-order store at: 

Have a lovely day my friends and more updates will be on the way shortly!


Community Section and Backers-kit updates
about 5 years ago – Tue, Apr 16, 2019 at 08:22:48 PM

The book is almost fully written and ready to be sent off the the editors! I am super excited to see it so close to completion after so long. 

One of the last few remaining things to add to the book is the Community Section. Within this section we are including ideas from this lovely community! So if you have some fun ideas for this universe and would like it possibly included in the book let us know! You can send a message here or contact us on our twitter: @PublishersSDG!

Also our backers-kit surveys are ready to send out (just waiting for the Kickstarter money), they should be sent out on the 22nd of April! So excited to get this wonderful book to everyone, cannot wait for it to be finished. 

A sneak peak for the Mechromancer class art has also been included below and oh-boy is it awesome!